Sale!“Kings of Israel is an excellent little game.” -Tom Vasel of Dice Tower Reviews Kings of Israel is a 2-4 player cooperative strategic board game designed by Lance Hill. Fight evil in the land of Israel and build together the altars needed to win! Fun, strategic, and educational, Kings of Israel is a game that can be enjoyed by teens through adults! Free shipping in the US. $30 shipping anywhere else in the world
Sale!"The gameplay of this is fantastic. This is a game I have played with people that people that are interested in the Biblical theme and who couldn't care less about a Biblical theme and everybody I have played with has greatly enjoyed this game." - Geek City USA Wisdom of Solomon is a 1-5 player strategic board game designed by Philip duBarry. Act as a governor for King Solomon and expand your networks of buildings and influence throughout Israel! Wheel and deal at the marketplace! And slowly raise the Temple of Solomon to gain the most favor of all! Wisdom of Solomon is a fun and strategic worker placement game for teens through adults. Free shipping in the US. $30 shipping anywhere else in the world